Saturday, December 12, 2020

Beta - Drive Baby Drive!

 Hello and welcome to this weeks project blog post! Compared to my last blog post about making my game this one is actually good! We were to spend 3 hours on the game this week, I forgot to time myself but I can nearly say for certain I definitely spent 3 hours if not more on the game! 

At the start, I had no hopes I was going to end up with half a game and be disappointed, but I somehow managed to pull somewhat of a game together! Now saying that there is still no way to win or lose the game but hey, with the magic of your imagination anything is possible!

So, I started off trying to figure out why my UI display had disappeared. This took me far too long, longer than I'm willing to admit. But eventually, I found it, for some reason the game had like zoomed in a bit more so all the canvas wasn't there. I literally have no idea how it happened or why. So, I just resized that and boom, UI was back. Now I thought the coin sound wasn't working so I tried to fix that but turns out that the sound of the car was too loud to hear the coin collecting noise. I turned the main noise off the car as it just wasn't working right and not going to lie I gave up with it. It still makes turning and break noises but not like engine noise. But hey now we can at least have a coin collecting noise.

I then moved onto the timer, the timer would only go from 30 to 0 no matter how many different numbers I put it so I went on the hunt for a new timer and I found this one. This tutorial was great, although he was going very fast so I had to slow it well down and I messed up a few times so I then did a few bits twice. I then added however long I needed my timer and I played my game a few times to see how long it would take so I put it at 5 minutes, which seems long but the car is hard to control. 

Screenshot of my car in the game window. 

I was then thinking about what else could I add that I haven't tried, a start menu! I had tried an end screen and it didn't work but never had tried a start menu. So I went and found this tutorial, I thought this was great and the guy who does them is really clear. I left out the options button purely because I thought there was no need. I added that with no problems and I think it really adds to the game and I got far too excited to see it working.

A screenshot of my menu in my game.

Lastly, I wanted to add backing music, just so it wasn't so quiet. I went on the hunt for some music and this was hard as any music I found on YouTube just didn't seem to fit the game. I eventually just found some basic upbeat music and decided to use that. I used a tutorial to try put in music but the tutorial was all over the place so eventually, I found this tutorial and it worked really well. I looped the music and then made sure it started in the menu screen and continued for the actual game by using code!

I'm really happy with what I've done today and I know it's not finished but looking back at last week I didn't even think I'd have a working game so it's better than nothing and I'm proud of myself for getting this far!

Thanks for reading, talk soon!
-Megan :)


  1. Hey Megan! I just read your post for your Beta and I'm really loving how your game is turning out. I had a similar issue myself this week with my UI disappearing and basically spent all my time trying to fix it. I love the idea of having a start menu too! One thing I was wondering is if you were going ti have a coin count system so that the player would know exactly how many coins they had collected?I can't wait to see what your game turns out like and hope the rest of the semester goes well for you!

  2. Hey Megan,
    First off Congratulations on so much Progress I am kinda jealous of you a little bit I can't lie. I love how you're game looks it looks really good and you should be really proud of yourself you did a lot of good work Megan and even if you think it's not the best it could be you still did really well so Congrats.

  3. Hey Megan. Wow you game looks great! I won't lie my game looks nothing like this at all at this stage I still have a lot work which I'm stressing over a bit. I like how you added the links into the blogs of what you found helpful it will give other people the opportunity to look at it to help them(like me) haha. I was just wondering how many coins does the player have to collect to win the game? I remember looking at your blogs describing how you wanted it to look and I think you got it exactly how you wanted it to look. Best of luck I hope it works out for you- Niamh

  4. Yo Megan,
    Congrats on having a finished game! from what I can see it looks pretty good, especially considering the conditions we've had to make them. I can totally relate to the frustration of trying to figure out a problem for far too long in Unity but it's always great when you figure it out. Looks like you've got a bunch of cool features too!
