Friday, October 9, 2020

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback is something that has scared me throughout my life. The idea of getting negative or even constructive criticism never sat right with me. This almost sounds like I'm full of myself but I most definitely am not. I think it's down to me actually trying my best and not being great at it. Throughout my teen years in school, my best was somebody not even trying or their average which led to perceive me at not trying. I do think I am much better at receiving feedback now and often do look for it wherever I can.

I read two articles on feedback and rejection and the following is my thoughts on them along with my own personal experience with the two.

Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head

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Image caption: chalkboard with "feedback" written on it.

The first article I read was "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head". I really enjoyed this article and found myself relating to Rajeev. I do often seek feedback from peers or lectures on how to improve and I would always just want "what can I do better?" rather than "I did this well". It's very hard to take the positives in, often find myself giving excuses as to how I did it well, as described in the article. Even when it comes to assignments I often give up as I think I won't be able to do it and I've accepted passing by 1% before I've even submitted. Then the majority of the times it's not even the case, I just always cut myself short. I am looking forward to the feedback session for this module from our Lecturer Shaun. I am going to ask about where I can improve but also what I did well and I will try to focus on the things I am doing well more than the ways I can improve. I am definitely going to take the four steps into consideration as much as I can and hopefully as the years go on I won't be so negative on myself. 

Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it.

The next article I read was "Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it". I definitely took notes from this article as I badly need to learn how to deal with rejection. I get the feeling of being rejected far too easily even sometimes when I haven't even been rejected. My brain is automatically wired to think "God another rejection no one likes you". It is for sure something I need to work on and do try to any time it does happen. I am going to use the methods read in this article. What I did learn though is everyone feels rejection and I'm not the only one sat over here upset because I was rejected. I also learned it can be platonic or in a romantic way. If I heard the word rejection I would always think of it in a romantic way. I found it very interesting that the way out brains are wired it feels like we have been physically hurt when rejected, and it all makes sense really. Maybe the next time I'm rejected I should ask what did I do well instead of how did I mess this up?? (This is a joke referring to the top article lol) Next time I am rejected I definitely will try to think positively and talk to friends who do love and appreciate me!! 

Overall I enjoyed both articles and learned a lot from both of them! 


1 comment:

  1. Hey Megan,
    I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on the papers and I have to say I completely agree with you. The only point I think I would think differently about was what my idea of rejection was I guess I have always thought of it more in a platonic or family kinda way but I also do think about it in a romantic sense so I understand. It's mad how we can all think of something and be like yeah we all agree on what this is but have very different views of it.
