Thursday, March 18, 2021

Unity Tutorial 07 - Week 20

A screenshot of the final step in the unity tutorials. 

This post is about this week's unity tutorial. We had to do two final tutorials, one was shorter than usual so that was a bonus! The first tutorial was all about audio. We started off by adding background music to the game, which in my opinion really make a game. Another thing I had to do in the tutorial was adding an audio source to ruby, I have done this before but for some reason, it didn't work for me and I couldn't figure it out. After about 20 minutes of me being very confused, I realized I had a bit of the code wrong (typical). So I fixed that and then it was clear sailing from thereon. Another thing I had to do was add a 3D sound to the robot, this sounds really cool and really adds to the game.

For the second tutorial it's all about making your game into an actual game! So in the tutorial, it shows you how to put all the correct settings on then to build the game which basically puts all the files together and means you can send them to people and they can play it! I had my brother try it out and he was impressed!

And that’s it, the unity tutorials are finished!! Not going to lie I am delighted! One thing that’ll be off my shoulders for the rest of the semester.

Thanks for reading,

-Megan :)


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