Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Unity Tutorial 08

 Hello and welcome back. to my blog! Today's post is the 8th unity tutorial. This is a continuation of last week's tutorial and a challenge.

Overall this week's tutorial just wasn't going right for me. Started off fine, but of course, my unity decided to stop working and I still have no idea what happened but anytime I pressed play it wouldn't work it would just freeze. So, that took a lot of my time. I also had a problem with my scripts opening when I clicked on them they wouldn't open. I had to open them a really weird way after I realised I could do it another way. 

In the end, I finished the tutorial, it finally started working after I left it for an hour or two. Which was a pain. But I got it done and that's all that matters. 

A screenshot I took of the game window.
Then onto the challenge, of course, this was a disaster. I was so confused even with looking at the code from the tutorial. I think I was just confusing myself as I was going along. I looked for a tutorial but couldn't find one on YouTube. I decided to google it to see what would come up and I found a PDF with instructions about it and how to finish it. Not going to lie it also confused me and in the end came up with errors and wouldn't work so I'm not sure what I did to it. I must have typed something wrong but I just can't see it. 

Overall not a great week for me in terms of unity, I hope that my project will go a lot better than this! Please, everyone, cross your fingers and toes.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my failures (lol)


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